“The two parts of success: Skill (tip of the iceberg) – Attitude (mass of the iceberg)”Anon


The above quote illustrates the point that a major factor in determining success is a positive attitude. This is particularly true of school work. Learners must understand that the correct attitude will result in success. There is no benefit in moaning, complaining and being negative about school, schoolwork, teachers, etc. Parents must endeavour to get this message across to their children.


The deadline for these forms was today 30 January but if there are any more outstanding please return them urgently on MONDAY 2 FEBRUARY. These forms are extremely important in order to update our information system. Thank you for your co-operation.


55 Years at Gombe – a talk by Dr Jane Goodall DBE Founder – the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace will be visiting Rand Park Primary on Thursday 12 February, from 7pm – 8:30pm in the school hall, R40 per person.


Please note that the Bargain Bin will be open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:15 – 8:00 and a Wednesday afternoon from 13:00 – 14:00.


Would those of you wishing to make a cash sponsorship donation (to assist indigent parents/learners to pay a portion of the 2014 school fees), please ensure that you indicate clearly on the cheque, deposit slip, Internet banking or envelope, that the amount is for SPONSORSHIP (SCHOOL FEES).

We thank the following parents/ businesses for their sponsorship:

  • Taylor Blinds for the kind donation of blinds for Mrs Kowlassur’s classroom.
  • Mr Adrian Goate from Aqua Athlete for the generous donation of swimming equipment.


Tennis: Thursday 5 February: Senior Boys vs Cliffview (Away)

Swimming: Friday 6 February:

A-Team (Home)

B-Team (IR Griffith)


All learners are to abide by the provisions of the Code of Conduct and it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance. Copies of the Code are available from the school secretary.


FEES – 2015

The school fee tariff is R7 400 per learner per year.

Payment options are as follows:

  • School fees are due and payable annually in advance at the beginning of the year.


  • Ten equal instalments of R740 commencing January and ending October.

Failure to pay any single instalment by due date; will result in the full amount outstanding becoming due and payable immediately.

Payments may be made in cash, by cheque or via electronic banking. The school’s banking details are as follows: Standard Bank, Northcliff, Current Account Number 002954494, Branch Code 006305. Please use your child’s full name as reference.


An urgent appeal is made to parents to refrain from stopping in the middle of the road during peak hours in order to drop/fetch their children at the main gate. This practise causes serious traffic congestion. Please use the allocated parking spaces. Thank you for your co-operation.


Tuesday 3 February

Grade 4 – 7: Maths

The Tuesday Group Test is very important as it makes up in Grade 4 –6, 30% and in Grade 7, 40% of the year mark. Learners must attend school on Tuesdays.


As from Monday 2 February

Grade 1s will finish school at 13:00.


All extra-murals commenced on MONDAY 26 JANUARY.


Grade 3 – Tuesday 3 February at 18:00


Educators must ensure that regularly report for duty and are punctual.


Parents must ensure that their child attends school each day, is punctual and, in case of absence, provide an explanation/reason(s) for such absence to the school.


Consumable stock R9 660, Foundation Phase stock and stationery R1 427, general admin expenses R4 160, hardware/maintenance/plumbing R6 692, kitchen supplies R1 165, Metro Services R17 128, office stationery R1 229, printing R3 513, security R780 and sports R7 145.



Monday 2 February: Open A vs Charterhouse (Home)

Open B vs Boskop (Away)

Open C vs Knights (Away)

Tuesday 3 February: U11A vs Trinity (Away)

U11B vs Risidale (Home)

Wednesday 4 February: U10A vs Cliffview (Home)

U10B vs Risidale (Away)

Thursday 5 February: U9A vs Charterhouse (Home)

U9B vs IR Griffith (Away)


Congratulations to the following learners who have been selected as Lab Monitors for 2015:

Nicholas Joubert, Anastacia De Santos, Chad Elliot, Daniell Van Der Merwe, Suzette Klingenberg, Tyla Puzey, Danica Joubert, Bradley Ferreira, Hayden Millard, Timothy Naynar, Kendra Bennetts, Thomas Clifford, Allison Davies, Robyn Clark, Kyle Viede, Shakira January, Marcelle Koekemoer, Dimitri Battis, Kaylin Sangion and Kimeshan Naidoo.


Sincere thanks to all the parents who gave up of their time to attend our annual Interhouse Gala. It is greatly appreciated. The results were as follows:

1st HAWKS 557, 2nd EAGLES 553, 3rd FALCONS and 4th RAVENS. The spirit trophy went to Ravens and the best dressed trophy went to Falcons.

Jnr Victor Ludorum: Thomas Anderssen, Senior Victor Ludorum: Daniell Van Der Merwe, Jnr Victrix Ludorum: Kelly Anderssen Senior Victrix Ludorum: Jenna Van Niekerk. The Brent Taylor Trophy went to Daniell Van Der Merwe who broke a record from 1996.


Learners undertake to do all academic assignments and activities including homework.


Learners will at all times be correctly dressed in the official school and sports uniform.


STUDENT’S SCHOOLWEAR & SPORT: For the best prices on quality schoolwear, skate, surf wear and stationery. Efficient and friendly service. All uniform in stock. Open 7 days a week. Trinity Village Shopping Centre (opp Trinity School). Contact (011) 795-4305 or www.studentsschoolwear.co.za

REDLINE MUSIC: Taking singing, piano or keyboard lessons will develop your creativity and confidence. For lessons in the comfort of your own home, or at our studio in Bromhof please contact Amy Calf on 083 337 2702 or reddoormusicians@gmail.com

BUSH HILL CUB PACK:   Welcomes boys and girls aged 7 – 11. Meetings are on Fridays from 2:30 – 4:30pm at Randpark Scout Hall, Tintinkie Road. For details contact Heather haumant@iafrica.com

DOMESTIC: Lindy is looking for full/part time domestic work. Please contact her on 082 434 2614.

AFTERCARE in Randpark Ridge. Sherpa Kids South Africa, market leader in Aftercare services presently in over 155 primary schools in New Zealand, Australia, England, Ireland and Canada. Launched in South Africa in 2013, Sherpa Kids offers international best practice in childcare. Curriculum aligned themed fun filled activities offered daily. 60 interactive localised weekly themes. From R600 per month. Incl lunch, afternoon snack and homework supervision. Multiple aftercare options (with or without transport from school) as well as Holiday Care. Open 50 weeks per year until 6pm. Contact (011) 792-4679 or e-mail info@sherpakids.co.za or visit www.sherpakids.co.za

RANDPARK RIDGE CUBS: Cubs have the most fun at Randpark Ridge Cub pack, boys and girls aged 7 – 10. Pack meetings are held on Saturdays from 9:30 – 11:30. Exciting events and outdoor adventures e.g. hiking and camping. Highly recommended by professionals for intellectual, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development. Contact Desiree on 082 307 9739.

HONEYDEW DRAPERS SCHOOL WEAR: Honeydew Shopping Centre, c/o Beyers Naude & Blueberry Streets, (011) 795-1617. Best service, best prices!

POSITION OFFERED: A leading national rental company based in Honeydew is looking for a mornings only receptionists internal/external sales support lady. The applicant must be a mature self-starter with organisational ability and must have considerable relevant experience. Please send CV’s to BertNel@BMDPrint.co.za

HOMEWORK SUPERVISION/REVISION/TUTORING: 2 Blocks from Rand Park Primary, only Grade 6 – 7, exceptions for siblings. Contact 072 147 6324 or jjcrous@gmail.com

ADIERO SCOUT TROOP: Scouting uses outdoor activities to teach children valuable skills such as leadership and teamwork. Adiero is an all-girls scout troop that meets on a Friday evening at Randpark Ridge Scout Hall, Tintinkie Road. For more information contact Louise on 082 437 0297 or adieroscouttroop@gmail.com

1ST HONEYDEW CUBS/SCOUTS: We are looking for new cubs at 1st Honeydew Scouts, based at Appleton College in Honeydew. Aged 7 – 11 years old. Gives children confidence, they make things, go on camps and they earn badges for their advancements. Fees are R500 per term, which are the same as a school term. For more info contact Kim on 082 395 0790.

MASTER MATHS: Problems with Maths? Master Maths (Grade 4 – Grade 12) can help! Individualized tuition. Enrol early for maximum benefit. Parkside Centre, Ostrich Road, Bromhof. Contact Brenda on (011) 791 3967.

BANTING SUPPORT: Courses for beginners or ad-hoc sessions for those needing help, created by Sally-Ann Creed co-author of the ‘Real Meal Revolution’ – book of the year. For weight loss and health contact Elise on 083 455 7500 or elise@bantingbuddies.com

DOMESTIC: Elizabeth is looking for part time work (2 days). I am reliable and have very good references. Please contact me on 081 093 2169 or 084 742 6448.

Randpark Primary School