Rand Park Primary held a Golf Day at Eagle Canyon on Friday, 4 September 2015.  We had 22-4 balls and even with the freezing weather, we managed a shot gun start at 11:00 with loads of giggles.  There was a great vibe on and off the golf course.


Martin Henenne and Jason Chapman won the day with 49 points, Vanessa Henenne won closest to the pin and ? won the longest drive.  There were many prizes awarded which had very generously been donated by parents and members of the community.


Supper was served and some people, who will remain nameless, only left well after 10:00pm.  It was an extremely successful day with in excess of R35 000,00 profit being made.


A special word of thanks needs to go to Natalie Correia, Kevin and Ang Elliot for the time and effort they put in to a very well organised and run day.

The winners of our Golf Day are Jason Chapman on the left and Martin Henenne on the right.  They are with Mrs Natalie Correia who organised the day.


p.s. Martin is my son-in-law!!!

Randpark Primary School