Embrace the concepts of praise and blame with regard to your child; both are developmental.


Would those of you wishing to make a cash sponsorship donation (to assist indigent parents / learners to pay a portion of the 2012 school fees), please ensure that you indicate clearly on the cheque, deposit slip, Internet banking or envelope, that the amount is for SPONSORSHIP (SCHOOL FEES).


On Wednesday 14 November we had the Annual General Meeting.  We needed a quorum of 230 parents in order to approve  a number of resolutions including the budget for 2013.  We did not manage to achieve the number required for the quorum with the result that we have to return on 29 November where NO quorum is needed.  Please attend on 29 November at 19:00.  Thank you to those parents who attended on 14 November.


Carols by Candlelight R 184, computer related expenses R2 000, Foundation Phase stock & stationery R15 874, kitchen supplies R149, sports R 7 848, hardware/maintenance/plumbing R1 067, machinery maintenance R333,

Metro services R37 324, office stationery R259, printing R1 642, Senior Primary books R18 202 and transport R4 341.


Sale!! All school jerseys now selling for R10 each. 


Grade 7 Barn Dance: Monday 26 November (By invitation only).

Christmas Pageant:  Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th November.


Please remember to support our business partners on a regular basis.  We had raised R32,997.08 by the end of October.

Learner Responsibilities

Learners undertake to attend all classes daily and on time.



The compulsory school fees for this year were R4 950 per learner per year.

Payments may be made in cash, by cheque or via electronic banking.  The school’s banking details are as follows:

Standard Bank, Northcliff, Current Account Number 002954494, Branch Code 006305.  Please use your child’s full name as reference and fax proof of payment to (011) 793-2030 or 0865230073.

Many thanks to those parents who have already made their contribution towards the school fees.  It is greatly appreciated. Parents may, if they so wish, continue to contribute towards the School Development initiatives.


Should your child be leaving the school at year end (Grade 1 – 6), please forward a letter to this effect to the class teacher urgently.


The staff would be most grateful for the donation of these items for next year.


As from Wednesday 14 November the school will close at 12:30 daily.  Parents are required to make transport arrangements in order for the learners to get home early and study.  Learners who are waiting for transport will not be allowed to loiter around outside the school – they will have to remain inside the school perimeter until their transport arrives.


To the following learners who received Media Centre Certificates:

20 – 30 Hours:  J Stanley, S Houston, K Govender, M Paulie, M Rambaran, K Sivalingam and T Wilson.

Over 30 Hours:  C Hamilton, M Mathysen, J Thackeray, E v.d. Merwe, C Goodwin, T Te Brake, N Moepya and N Riley.

Over 40 Hours:  O Ayere and T Serobe.  Over 50 Hours:  N Naidoo.

Over 60 Hours:  O Ayere, K Malotana, T Serobe and K Walker

The Marilyn Schott Trophy for 2012 goes to Kirsty-Lee Walker.


Please download from the Internet or collect a disc of the above programme from the office. This will keep you up to date on everything at the school.  It is proving to be a very successful and immediate way of getting information to parents.


Many thanks to the Grade 7 parents for their generous donations towards the Barn Dance.

We will be meeting in the Hall at 8:30 on Saturday 24 November to start decorating and your help would be much appreciated.


It’s a tradition at our school that parents contribute towards a Christmas Hamper for our cleaning staff, as a way of conveying to them our sincere thanks for the wonderful work they do during the course of the year.  It will be greatly appreciated if each learner could bring to school one or more non perishable items as a contribution.


The school urgently requires the services of a parent to assist us with shelves and some welding for the new Computer Centre.  Please contact Mr Pienaar at the school on (011) 793-7434.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


All learners are to abide by the provisions of the Code of Conduct and it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance.  Copies of the Code are available from the school secretary.

Educator Responsibilities 

Educators must ensure that they conform to normal, acceptable standards of personal cleanliness and neatness.

School Rules

The three sets of jungle gym equipment are strictly out of bounds before and after school hours. They may only be used during school time under adult supervision.

Parental Responsibilities

Parents must ensure that they Discourage abusive language or inflammatory behaviour.

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HONEYDEW DRAPERS SCHOOLWEAR:  Summer uniforms in stock!  Miss the rush and buy now.  Compare our affordable prices to other stockists.  We are at the Honeydew Shopping Centre, cnr. Beyers Naudé Drive & Blueberry Streets (opposite Boskop Primary). Tel (011) 795-1617.

RRVA:  Join the Randpark Ridge Village Association (a non-profit organisation) for only R300 per month, we maintain the parks, suburbs and provide dedicated 24 hour pro-active security vehicles in the area.  For this, other added services and peace of mind, contact the RRVA on

BRAINIAC AFTERCARE & HOMEWORK CENTRE:  Supervised homework session by qualified educator, 1-on-1 tuition, grade 1 – 7.  Reliable transport from primary and high schools included, provide meals and snacks.  We also offer holiday care, available on a daily basis.  A homework centre is also provided for High School students needing a safe place.  Contact Marinda/Susett on (011) 791-7758 or 072 248 6151.

ACHIEVAKIDS PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL:  (3 – 6 years):  “Learning in a loving environment” Enrolling now, limited space available. Every child has the opportunity to develope self-confidence, Small groups ensure one-on-one.  We also offer Remedial tuition in small groups, individual attention with qualified staff in English, Afrikaans and Maths.  Please contact Anne on (011) 793-5966 or 084 860 4365.

AFTERCARE:  Grade 1 – 3, children collected at Rand Park Primary.  13:00 – 17:30 school terms only.  Contact Anne on (011) 793-5966 or 084 860 4365.

TRANSPORT:  Do you need reliable and safe transport for your child?  Daily, weekly or monthly rates.  Contact Tracey on 079 522 8953.  Randpark, Weltevreden and Honeydew area.

DREAM CAKES:  Delicious specialty cakes, cup-cakes and cake-pops for any occasion and budget.  Contact Vanessa on 082 941 6977 or

GREEN FINGERS LIQUID FERTILIZER:  We’ve got the Green Touch!! Clean, no smell and weed free.  For more information contact Arno on 072 199 0044.

RUBIX SHUTTLES & TRANSFERS:  Professional scholar transport solutions – 2013 registrations now open.  Daily school run (am & pm).  Also offered:  ad hoc extra mutual and daily school run options available.  Excellent parent endorsement.  Contact Sharon on 083 627 1997 / /

GARDENER:  Lyson is a reliable gardener and is looking for part time work on a Mon, Tue and Saturday or full time work.  For a reference please phone Angera on 082 561 0647 or Lyson on 084 572 3473.

 JUST LABELS:  Need stationery, clothing and shoe labels?  Visit our website for more information or for an order form contact (031) 266-1738 or

REMEDIAL TUITION & BALANCE-BOARD THERAPY:  Small groups – individual attention.  English (grade 1 – 9), Afrikaans (grade 1 – 10), Maths (grade 1 – 6).  Fully bilingual, qualified, experienced teachers.  Please contact Anne on (011) 793-5966 or 084 860 4365.

CARPETS, WOOD FLOORING, VINYL & BLINDS: Tony will come to your house/office with samples and measure.  Call him for a no obligation quote on 083 290 1757.

GARDENER:  Knowledge is looking for part time work e.g. gardening.  If you are looking for anyone to help you please contact him on 078 956 2690.

MY ACADEMICS TUTORING SERVICES:  Maths, English, Afrikaans, Life and Natural Science, Accounts, Business, Economics and IT.  Home based one-to-one tuition.  Contact Travis on 082 378 3651 or (011) 792-7568.

SMALL WORLD AFTERCARE:  Registrations for 2013 now open!  Small group, home-cooked lunch, homework supervision and tuition by qualified teacher, transport with PDP driver and active holiday program.  Register before 30 November to secure your space and guarantee a price freeze on fees until June 2013! Contact (011) 793-4118.

Randpark Primary School