Dear Parents

Activities forTerm 1, 2015  will commence on MONDAY, 26 January 2015. The starting times for various activities have been staggered to accommodate as many learners as possible. It can be to your child’s advantage to make use of our well-equipped Library in order to do some meaningful work before attending extra-mural activities. The Library is open for 1 hour after school Tuesdays and Thursdays. Success naturally depends on attendance and parents should encourage their children to participate in the activities offered.

Listed below are the names of the staff members in charge of the various extra-mural activities. Should you experience any problems with a particular activity, please do not hesitate to contact the member of staff concerned.

Chess: Mrs Vogel

Tennis: Miss Le Roux

Swimming: Miss Michel

Cricket: Mr Niehaus

U7/U8 Mini Cricket: Mrs Smerdon

Art Club: Mrs Davison (Foundation Phase)

Music: Mrs Le Grange

Library: Mrs Moore

Support Lessons: Mrs Ogle

U7/U8 Mini Netball: Mrs Derham

Beginners Tennis: Miss Le Roux

Netball: Mrs Campbell

Please ensure that your child has the correct equipment and uniform for the chosen activity and if he or she is selected to represent the school, will only be permitted to do so if properly turned out. All teams will be selected on merit. Learners must be age appropriate for the activity. Regular attendance at practices is essential.

This programme is designed for your children and requires your support in as many ways as possible – watching matches, helping with lifts or generally showing interest. I hope your children are going to make use of and enjoy this programme.

Inter House soccer and netball will take place on Wednesday, 11 March 2015.



Randpark Primary School