Learners are judged on the calibre of the work they produce.  Please look at your child’s books on a regular basis!  Check if the work is well presented, neat, complete or whether it is untidy, thrown together and poorly done.

In school, as in the place of work, what you present is often perceived as a reflection of your character or lack thereof.  What statement does your child’s school work say about your child?


Application forms for 2015 are available at the office and parents may return completed forms from Tuesday 15 April at 05:00.  A very serious request is made to all parents NOT to encourage friend, relatives, etc who live outside our immediate area to apply for space at our school.  Our school is always over-subscribed and we must all co-operate to keep learner numbers in check, in order to control the Learner : Teacher ratio at the school.  For Grade 1 learners, preference will be given to in-area learners who turn 7 during the course of 2015.

Addresses and place of work will be verified.


Hardware/maintenance/plumbing R5 832, Capex R7 910, consumable stock R369, kitchen supplies R1 654, machinery maintenance R257, medical supplies R184, Metro Service R16 997, office stationery R666, sports R3 808, swimming pool R3 267, toilet paper R6 895 and transport R4 100.


Please remember to support our business partners on a regular basis. We have received R19 537.97 this year.


Due to the fact that exams are starting mid June, it is imperative that learners start early to revise the work done in the First and Second Terms.  There is no testing on Tuesdays; so learner’s must please utilise the spare time.


Parents must ensure that they maintain current or up-to-date home, work and emergency telephone numbers at the school and keep the school informed of any changes of address


The school fee tariff is R6 500 per learner per year and may be paid over 10 months. Payment options are as follows:

Full payment at the beginning of the year; or three pro-rata payments payable at the end of Term 1, 2 and 3; or ten monthly instalments of R650 (beginning January with the final (10th) instalment due end of October.

Payments may be made in cash, by cheque or via electronic banking.  The school’s banking details are as follows:  Standard Bank, Northcliff, Current Account Number 002954494, Branch Code 006305.  Please use your child’s full name as reference.


Would those of you wishing to make a cash sponsorship donation (to assist indigent parents/learners to pay a portion of the 2014 school fees), please ensure that you indicate clearly on the cheque, deposit slip, Internet banking or envelope, that the amount is for SPONSORSHIP (SCHOOL FEES).

We thank the following parents/businesses for their sponsorship:

Ms Bev Hutton for printing and laminating of posters


The bottom gate seems to be a vulnerable area regarding safety and security.  Lots of learners wait there to be picked up by parents, etc.  It is not safe down there as there are neither teachers nor adults in the vicinity.  Therefore, this gate will be closed at 14:15 and learners will then have to be picked up at the top gate where it is safer.


PLEASE NOTE:  Due to there being no Group Tests in Term 2, the school will finish at 13:30 on Tuesdays.  Please arrange transport in order for learners to get home and study for exams.


Learners undertake to refrain from and report acts of vandalism or any other damage to or misuse of school property.


A sincere and warm Rand Park Primary welcome to Ms Routledge, Ms Le Roux and Mrs Whyte.  I hope that your stay at Rand Park Primary is going to be a wonderful experience.


Just a reminder to parents that at the moment learners have to wear Summer uniforms.  Winter uniforms become optional from 5 – 16 May.  On the 19 May 2014, every learner should be in FULL WINTER UNIFORM.



RP vs Blairgowrie Wednesday 16 April:

U9, U10 & U11 (Home)

U12 & Open:  (Away)


No matches


Please diarise these important dates.

Friday 18 April – Public Holiday

Monday 21 April – Public Holiday

Monday 28 April – Public Holiday

Tuesday 29 April – School Holiday

Wednesday 30 April – School Holiday

Thursday 1 May – Public Holiday

Friday 2 May – School Holiday


All learners are to abide by the provisions of the Code of Conduct and it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance.  Copies of the Code are available from the school secretary.


Educators must ensure that they promote open and regular channels of communication between home and school


The bicycle sheds are out of bounds to all learners who do not bring bicycles to school

ACADEMIC CERTIFICATE WINNERS:  Congratulations to the following learners who received Certificates of Merit for Academic Excellence for Term 1.

Grade 4:  Rhys Meyer, Ethan Wilke, Shannon Chisanga, Caley Fauconier, Heinz Klingenberg, Caelan Niemand and Kieran Miller.

Grade 5:  Kimishca Naidoo, Monique Nieuwenhuizen, Dean Ramsay, Gareth Marsden, Terrence Broomberg, Sharzia Nana, Siddhi Singh, Jonathan Chisenga, Tanya Freese, Rasika Murugan, Camaryn Moussa, Ciara Lee, Daisy Ndebele, Lerise Kaldenberg, Izunna Ehirim.

Grade 6:  Michael Burgess, Daniell Van Der Merwe, Starrion Fenn, Robyn Clark and Katherine Collier.

Grade 7:  Megan Shannon, Channing Du Plesssis, Cheyenne Moodley, Phoebe Redelinghuys, Matthew Baker, Kayla Knotzer, Gaoreteleloe Mogokonyane, Connor Houston, Tinodaishe Mupanemunda, Kevell Umrao, Kyle Inderpersad, Zeta Rabatin, Andrea Ramsay, Samantha Thomas and Gabriella Smith.


HONEYDEW DRAPERS SCHOOL WEAR: Honeydew Shopping Centre, c/o Beyers Naude & Blueberry Streets, (011) 795-1617. Buy your winter uniform now and miss the rush!

ONSIES FOR SALE:  Available in fleece or t-shirt material, stock available but we can also make different sizes up as per your specifications.  Contact 082 344 4299.

MASTER MATHS:   Problems with Maths?  Master Maths (Grade 4 – Grade 12) can help!  Individualised tuition.  Enrol early for maximum benefit.  Parkside Centre, Ostrich Road, Bromhof.  Contact Brenda on (011) 791-3967.

M & M AFTERCARE & LEARNING CENTRE:  Are you happy with your child’s marks?  Let us help your child achieve!  You’ve tried the best now come to the best, space available for Term 2, situated 80m from Rand Park Primary. Contact 083 291 6734 or e-mail

ART CLASSES:  By renowned artist and experienced teacher.  B.A. (Art), B.A. Fine Art, Advanced Diploma in Fine Art, Higher Diploma in Education P.G. (Secondary) U.C.T. All Welcome.  Contact (011) 782-1686 or 072 179 6574.

TUTOR THE FUTURE:  Home schooling tutor centre in Randparkridge offers small classes, individual attention and a comprehensive education for grade 4 – 7 learners.  Qualified teachers, educational psychologist, karate, computers, camps and outings.  Limited space available in Grades 4 & 5.  Visit or contact Sue on 084 594 4236.

FOR ALL YOUR SECURITY NEEDS:  For services relating to security guards, armed response, access control, biometrics, electric fencing, gate motors, intercoms, CCTV and alarms.  We do repairs and new installations.  Service is guaranteed, maintenance contracts are offered, (011) 791-6340 or 083 650 0313.

CATERING NEEDS:  Contact Suzyqskitchen for all your catering needs, snack platters, boardroom lunches, office parties, private parties and loads more.  Contact us at

Randpark Primary School