Parents are the primary figures of authority in the young child’s environment.  Should the parent allow the child to be disrespectful, the child then believes that he may show disrespect to other figures of authority, e.g. regulations, teachers, policemen, etc.  This is a recipe for disaster as these other figures of authority may not allow disrespect and the child will suffer the unpleasant consequences thereof.  Please do not allow your children to treat you and/or other adults with disrespect.


Thanks to all those parents who are fetching their children on time during this exam period in order for them to go and study.  It is greatly appreciated!


Parents Evening will take place on THURSDAY 25 JULY from 17:00 – 19:00.  The Parents Evening will be by INVITATION ONLY!  Reports will be handed out on Friday 26 July.  Further information will be distributed at a later date.


The school fee tariff is R5 900 per learner per year, and may be paid over 10 months.  Payment options are as follows:

Full payment at the beginning of the year; or Three pro-rata payments payable at the end of Term 1 2 and 3; or ten monthly instalments of R590 beginning January with the final (10th) instalment due end of October.

Many thanks to those parents who have already made their contribution towards the school fees.  It is greatly appreciated!


Please remember to support our business partners on a regular basis.  We had raised R20 499.21 at the end of May.  Thanks to all participating parents.


Would those of you wishing to make a cash sponsorship donation (to assist indigent parents/learners to pay a portion of the 2013 school fees), please ensure that you indicate clearly on the cheque, deposit slip, Internet banking or envelope, that the amount is for SPONSORSHIP (SCHOOL FEES).


Should you wish to receive this newsletter by e-mail, please forward your address to  Please keep your email address current on our system in case of emergencies.


As the school is 40 YEARS old this year I would like to ask parents to support any initiative that we might have in order to celebrate this auspicious occasion.  The raffle is taking place this term and books have already been distributed to learners.  Last year’s raffle was a great success and I once again ask for your support with this initiative.  Thanking you in advance.


Please see School Communicator and the letter that was distributed to learners today. 


Capex  R38 880, Affiliation/Membership Fees R420, computer related expenses R1 912, consumable stock R645, Foundation Phase stock and stationery R12 366, Media Centre R100, hardware/maintenance/plumbing R6 139, Metro services R1 939, office stationery R513, printing R235, sports R7 980 and swimming pool R1 687.


Thank you to all those parents who have contributed to our Blanket Drive for the destitute.  It is greatly appreciated.


The School Tennis Championships were played recently and the results were as follows:

Junior Boy:  Chad Elliot

Junior Girl:  Monique Kleinhans

Senior Boy:  Markus Maree

Senior Girl:  Sasha Dube

Netball player of the year was Kiara Coppens and the Soccer player of the year was Meli Xulu.


All learners are to abide by the provisions of the Code of Conduct and it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance.  Copies of the Code are available from the school secretary.


Educators must ensure that they conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner.


Learners undertake to attend ALL classes daily and on time.


NO running on corridors or on the stairs.


Parents must ensure that their children abide by the rules, regulations and procedures set forth by the school.

Please take note of our Exam Timetable – All the info can be found here.


HONEYDEW DRAPERS SCHOOL WEAR:  Honeydew Shopping Centre, Cnr. Beyers Naude & Blueberry Streets (011) 795-1617.  Girls grey tunic on GREAT SPECIAL at the moment.   Compare our affordable prices to other stockists.

DESIGNER BLINDS & FLOORS:  Situated in Randridge Mall, exquisite laminates, vinyl and luxury vinyl tiles as well as beautiful carpets.  We also offer an extensive range of blinds for your home and office.  Contact Wayne on 083 454 6511 for a free quotation.


7 Piece value pack for R180.00.  Consists of: 1 each x 2l dishwashing liquid, 2l all purpose cleaner, 2l pine-gel with detol, 2l bleach, 2l fabric softener, 275ml Snap (equivalent to Pledge) and 2kg washing powder.  The products have a 10 year track record and speak for themselves, for more information contact Imraan on 084 683 4666 or e-mail

EQ/LIFESSKILLS HOLIDAY COURSE 4 KIDS:  The Magic Blox 4 Life Emotional Intelligence (EQ)/Life skills course helps all children (age 9 – 11) by giving them the tools to cope with life’s challenges.  It improves self-confidence, concentration, relaxation skills and parent-child communication.  Course Dates:  Tues & Thurs mornings 25 June – 13 July.  Contact Julie Keating on 083 325 6076 or

“GOTTA MOVE” HOLIDAY CLUB:  Kids no need to be bored this holiday!! Come and join our fun filled holiday club!! From 8 – 12 July.  Honeyridge Baptist Church, Cnr Eastwood Ave & Knoppiesdoring Rd.  From Grade 000 up.  Contact Bronwyn on 073 170 6772.  We look forward to seeing you there!

DOMESTIC:  Thembi is looking for part or full time work.  Please contact her on 072 821 5601.

JOAN DAVIES MUSIC TUITION:  Holiday Music Course – 7 lessons for R300 (valued until August.).  Piano, guitar, violin one-on-one tuition.  All instruments provided.  No need to buy your own.   Contact 072 415 1317.

SONRISE HOLIDAY CAMP:  Come have a blast on Sonrise Camp these school holidays.  Make friends and keep busy with awesome activities.  For more info contact 083 455 3720 or 079 516 9161 or e-mail

HOLIDAY CARE:  Holiday fun at Rooivink Aftercare Centre.  We will be hosting a variety of activities during the upcoming school holidays, cost is R99 per day all inclusive.  Refer to my webpage: or contact Avron on 071 235 5437.

HANDY MAN:  Are you looking for a good, reliable handyman?  Contact Mary on (011) 675-7128 081 467 0095 to make an appointment.

Randpark Primary School