The truth contained in the quote above is largely self evident.  It’s absolutely acceptable for learners to make mistakes during the acquisition phase regarding new material.  However, what is not acceptable is the repeating of the same mistake or unacceptable behaviour over and over again as a result of inattention, lack of application, neglect of work, poor behaviour, bad habits, etc.  Every mistake must provide the learner with an opportunity to move closer to that which is correct.  Mistakes are not an excuse to give up.  There must be a motivation to get things right.  Parents are receiving detention slips on a daily basis, you must discuss the issues on the skip very seriously with your child.  These must not be repeated the following week or weeks.  Your role as the parent is to ensure that there is no repeat of the offence.


A reminder to parents that Rand Park Primary has a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to any form of bullying, emotional and physical.  We endeavour to practice UBUNTU on a daily basis.  I do however, need to inform parents that if bullying is reported to me in any form, I shall phone you straight away to fetch and take the learner home for the rest of the day.  Please address this serious matter with your child as we are desperately trying to eradicate bullying at Rand Park Primary School.  Thank you for your co-operation.


PLEASE NOTE:  Due to there being no more weekly Group Tests for the rest of the term, grades 4 – 7 will finish school at 13:30 on Tuesdays.


Please note that the Travelling Bookshop will be visiting our school on Tuesday 25 March from 10:30 – 15:00 and Wednesday 26 March from 8:00 – 14:30.


A sincere thank you to all parents who have complied with the school uniform codes.  Please be advised however, that from April NO navy blue jerseys without badges may be worn.

Thank you for your co-operation.


The school fee tariff is R6 500 per learner per year and may be paid over 10 months. Payment options are as follows:

Full payment at the beginning of the year; or three pro-rata payments payable at the end of Term 1, 2 and 3; or ten monthly instalments of R650 (beginning January with the final (10th) instalment due end of October.

Payments may be made in cash, by cheque or via electronic banking.  The school’s banking details are as follows:  Standard Bank, Northcliff, Current Account Number 002954494, Branch Code 006305.  Please use your child’s full name as reference.


Would those of you wishing to make a cash sponsorship donation (to assist indigent parents/learners to pay a portion of the 2014 school fees), please ensure that you indicate clearly on the cheque, deposit slip, Internet banking or envelope, that the amount is for SPONSORSHIP (SCHOOL FEES).


Capex R7 861, communications R903, consumable stock R1 100, engraving/badges R1 568, general admin purchases R535, Insurance R626, hardware/maintenance/plumbing R247, Media Centre R6 277, medical supplies R591, printing R1 824, sports R12 589, swimming pool R3 160, toilets R1 891, trips and shows R24 858.


School will close at 12:00 on Friday 28 March and will open for Term 2 on Monday 7 April.


Thursday 27 March

17:00 – 19:00

All parents are invited to attend/visit the classroom and receive their child’s Learner Report for Term 1.  PLEASE NOTE that this is not the time for an in depth discussion with the educators.  Should you feel that this is required please contact the school secretary early in Term 2 to arrange a meeting with the educator concerned.


The school needs to raise R6 500 000 via the school fees this year to ensure the maintenance and improvement of the quality of education offered to your children.  More than 60%of this money is used to fund the salaries of additional teaching, admin and cleaning staff.  If, for example, one of these teachers had to be retrenched due to lack of funds, the teacher : educator ratio in that particular grade would move from 35 : 1 to 46 : 1.  Thankfully, in excess of 95% of our parents paid their school fees last year and the SGB and I would like to express our sincerest thanks for this.  However, I would like to aim for 100% payment of the budgeted school fees this year.  Thus I ask that ALL parents make a contribution this year.  Our budget is always very tight and closely monitored (that’s why our school fees are so low, comparatively speaking).  However, this then requires that we reach our fees collection budget.  In addition, the school incurs significant start up costs at the beginning of the year.  In the light of this, I ask that every family makes a payment, (in part or in full), by the end of March.  Do not believe that your contribution is insignificant.  Everyone is expected to pay something – it’s the right thing to do.


Please be advised that applications for 2015 for Rand Park High School will open on 15 April 2014 at 00h00.  Please check their website for details and forms.


Application forms for 2015 will be available from Monday 7 April 2014 at the office and parents may return completed forms from Tuesday 15 April at 05:00.  A very serious request is made to all parents not to encourage friend, relatives, etc who live outside our immediate area to apply for space at our school.  Our school is always over-subscribed and we must all co-operate to keep learner numbers in check, in order to control the Learner : Teacher ratio at the school.  For Grade 1 learners, preference will be given to in-area learners who turn 7 during the course of 2015.


All learners are to abide by the provisions of the Code of Conduct and it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance.  Copies of the Code are available from the school secretary


Educators must ensure that they utilise generally accepted teaching methods.


Do not litter.


Parents must ensure that their children abide by the rules, regulations and procedures set forth by the school.


Learners undertake to respect all persons and property.


HONEYDEW DRAPERS SCHOOL WEAR:  Honeydew Shopping Centre, Cnr. Beyers Naude & Blueberry Streets (011) 795-1617.  Visit us for our competitive prices and friendly service!

MASTER MATHS:   Problems with Maths?  Master Maths (Grade 4 – Grade 12) can help!  Individualised tuition.  Enrol early for maximum benefit.  Parkside Centre, Ostrich Road, Bromhof.  Contact Brenda on (011) 791-3967.

BRAKE PADS, DISKS & MINOR SERVICES:  In these tough and demanding times, we will collect and delivery your vehicle at no extra cost.  Please contact Imraan on (011) 791-3213 or 072 620 6833 for all your motor vehicle needs as listed above and for reliable same day service.  Call or e-mail me at for a quote.

KIDS CLUB:  Every Friday night from 6pm – 7:30pm, at The Barn Christian Fellowship, cnr. Kelly Ave & Sylvan Road, Boskruin. A fun and safe environment for your kids to come to!! This week’s theme:  Transformers. See you there.  For more info contact 792-1340.  NB:  Everything is free!

KIDSCAPE ADVENTURE CAMPS:  Kids welcome from grade 1 – 8, limited to 60 kids only, at Camp Nelu (Hekpoort). Date:  29 March to 2 April 2014.   Activities include:  hike, obstacle course, stalk the lantern, bush walk, team-building, life skills, character building, target shooting, archery, abseiling, zip wire and lots more.  R1 500 for the whole package and includes transport.  Contact Graeme on 083 457 7848 or

TIGHT & TIDY PLUMBING:  Reliable, fast, professional plumbers! Burst geysers and pipes, blocked drains, leaking/running toilets, geyser thermostats and valves, dripping taps, drainage and customised projects.  Contact Dean on 082 333 7178 for all your plumbing requirements!

RED DOOR MUSIC STUDIO:  Are you musically inclined? Vocal training, piano and keyboard lessons will develop your creativity and confidence.  Take lessons at our fully equipped studio in Bromhof, or in the convenience of your own home.  Contact Amy at Red Door Music Studio or on 083 337 2702.

ACCOMMODATION WANTED:  The lady working at the tuckshop is looking for a room in the Randparkridge/Bromhof area from January 2014.  She is willing to pay for accommodation.  Please contact Joe on 073 731 7592.

OCTAPOOLS:  Your local swimming pool specialists, we also offer weekly pool services, for any repairs and renovations call Mikki on 071 523 7059.

WANTED:  One of our ground staff is looking to buy a TV.  Please contact him on 072 610 5850.

MOMS 2 MOMS:  Need safe reliable transport (driven by a mom) for your child to and from school, contact Kerry on 083646 3352 should by require my services. Areas:  Randparkridge, Bromhof, Boskruin, Sundowner, Radiokop and Honeydew.

CATERING NEEDS:  Contact Suzyqskitchen for all your catering needs, snack platters, boardroom lunches, office parties, private parties and loads more.  Contact us at

FOR SALE:   ToyotaTazz, 2000 model, 1400cc, white, 133 000km, 14 years of trouble free driving and in great condition!  Asking in the late R40 000’s, voets toets.  Contact 082 749 5575.

FOR ALL YOUR SECURITY NEEDS:  For services relating to security guards, armed response, access control, biometrics, electric fencing, gate motors, intercoms, CCTV and alarms.  We do repairs and new installations.  Service is guaranteed, maintenance contracts are offered, (011) 791-6340 or 083 650 0313.

KIP McGRATH EDUCATION CENTRES:  We offer an excellent track record and outstanding materials, a free assessment and educational advice, individualised programmes in English.  Reading, phonics, spelling, comprehension, Mathematics, Afrikaans and Science.  Short courses in school readiness, study skills, exam essay writing.  Contact Shereen on 071 685 5354 or

FOR SALE:  1995 Toyota Camry 220 SEI with 440 000km.  White, upholstery needs attention.  Please contact 082 749 5575.

SECOND HAND CLOTHING:  I am looking for 2nd hand clothing and linen in good condition to buy.  Contact Emma on 078 570 1880.

Randpark Primary School