The SCHOOL RULES form a serious and integral part of successful schooling and the acquisition of life skills.  The rules ensure the safety of all learners and also ensure that leaning takes place in a meaningful and structured manner.  Society at large requires that the population adhere to the rules of the society, whether we like it or not.  The critical lesson is learned at school.  It’s a requirement, therefore, that all parents ensure that their children adhere to ALL THE SCHOOL RULES.


Please note that Parent’s Evening will take place on THURSDAY 25 JULY from 17:00 – 19:00.  The Parent’s Evening will be by INVITATION ONLY! for Grade 4 – 7 learners.  Parents Evening for Foundation Phase will continue as usual and will also take place on THURSDAY 25 JULY from 17:00 – 19:00.  Educators request that all parents attend.

Reports will be handed out on Friday 26 July.


Due to the children writing Group Tests this Term Senior Phase detention will be held from 14:00 – 15:30 on Fridays.


To Mrs Rene Johnson who has joined our Rand Park Primary staff.  Hope you will have an excellent time working with us.


The school fee tariff is R5 900 per learner per year, and may be paid over 10 months.  Payment options are as follows:

Full payment at the beginning of the year; or Three pro-rata payments payable at the end of Term 1 2 and 3; or ten monthly instalments of R590 beginning January with the final (10th) instalment due end of October.

An urgent request to all parents in arrears to pay ASAP.


Learners must leave the school promptly at the end of the day or after extra mural activities.  When leaving the  grounds, learners must be dressed in full school uniform or in their practice outfits.  Learners may NOT leave the ground in swimming costumes.


Would those of you wishing to make a cash sponsorship donation (to assist indigent parents/learners to pay a portion of the 2013 school fees), please ensure that you indicate clearly on the cheque, deposit slip, Internet banking or envelope, that the amount is for SPONSORSHIP (SCHOOL FEES).


Capex R113 153, computer related expenses R4 071, Foundation Phase stock and stationery R5 478, kitchen supplies R887, machinery maintenance R118, hardware/maintenance/plumbing R10 511, Metro services R16 014, office stationery R3 415, sports R2 235, toilets R2 146, transport R4 202, trips and shows R2 000.


As the school is 40 YEARS old this year I would like to ask parents to support any initiative that we might have in order to celebrate this auspicious occasion.  The raffle is taking place this Term and books have already been distributed to learners.  Last year’s raffle was a great success and I once again ask for your support with this initiative.  Thanking you in advance.


Due to the slow intake of raffle tickets this Term, it has been decided to extend the raffle.  All raffle books and money must be returned to school by Friday 2nd August. The draw will take place on the 8th August at Assembly.


The annual Interhouse Athletics will take place on Wednesday 24 July 2013.  A letter was distributed to learners on Thursday 18 July.


The 2013 cycle of Annual National Assessment will be administered in all PUBLIC and designated independent schools from 10 – 13 September.  During this period all learners in Grades 1 – 6 will write nationally set tests in English and Mathematics.  The results will be used to report progress related to achieving goals set in the Action Plan 2014, towards Schooling 2025. Further information to follow.


Educators must ensure that they seek changes in an orderly and approved manner.


Friday 26 July:  Grades 4 – 6:  Life Skills

Grade 7:  Maths

The Friday Group Test is very important as it makes up in Grade 4 – 6, 25% and in Grade 7, 60% of the term/year mark.  Learners must attend school on Fridays to write the weekly Group Test.


As from 19 July 2013, the Senior Phase (Grades 4 -7) will close at 14:00.  This is due to the fact that we are writing Group Tests this Term and no Exams.  The Foundation Phase (Grades 1 – 3) will close at 13:00 as usual.


Cross Country:

Thursday 25 July:  Heron Bridge


Thanks to all parents who attended and enjoyed this great event at the end of last term.  The results were as follows:

Grd 1 Boy & Girl:  Connor Anderson and Kamangu Chipowe.  Grd 2 Boy & Girl:  Keagan Nyoni and Aimee Young.

Grd 3 Boy & Girl:  Mark Shirley and Tayla Whittaker.  Junior Girls:  1st Erin Meredith, 2nd Precious Akinbinu and 3rd  Sanasha Kandier.  Junior Boys:  1st Kyle Viede, 2nd Gareth Marsden and 3rd Pieter Venter.  Senior Girls:  1st Micah Forsythe, 2nd Jabulile Mbanjwa and 3rd Morongwa Nkadimeng.  Senior Boys:  1st Liyema Mxagashe, 2nd Pari Momos and 3rd Jason Muka.


All learners are to abide by the provisions of the Code of Conduct and it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance.  Copies of the Code are available from the school secretary.


Parents must ensure that their child attends school each day, is punctual and, in case of absence, provide an explanation/reason(s) for such absence to the school


Learners undertake to respect all persons and property.


HONEYDEW DRAPERS SCHOOL WEAR:  Honeydew Shopping Centre, Cnr. Beyers Naude & Blueberry Streets (011) 795-1617.  Girls grey tunic on GREAT SPECIAL at the moment.   Compare our affordable prices to other stockists.

KIDS CLUB:  Every Friday night from 6pm – 7:30pm, at The Barn Christian Fellowship, cnr. Kelly Ave & Sylvan Road, Boskruin.  A fun and safe environment for your kids to come to!! This week’s theme:  High School Musical!  See you there!  For more info contact 792-1340.

ALLEGRO MUSIC STUDIO:  Are you musically inclined? Vocal training, piano and keyboard lessons will develop your creativity and confidence.  Take lessons in the convenience of your own home, or at our fully equipped studio in Bromhof.  Please contact Amy at Allegro Studio on 083 337 2702 or or

MULTIPLE MINDS:  Back to school – Holidays are over and it is time to start tackling those problem areas in maths.  If you enrol between the 15th and 27th July, the once off enrolment fee of R200 will be waived.  For a free trial lesson Contact Desiree at Multiple Minds on or 072 104 3747.

HANDY MAN:  Are you looking for a good, reliable handyman?  Contact Mary on (011) 675-7128 081 467 0095 to make an appointment.

ART CLASSES:  By renowned artist and experienced teacher.  B.A. (ART), B.A. Fine Art, Advanced Diploma in Fine Art, Higher Diploma in Education P.G. (Secondary) U.C.T. All Welcome! (011) 782-1686 or 072 179 6574.

KIP McGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE:  is offering short courses in school readiness, study skills, exam essay writing, English as a Second Language and Intelligence Development.  We can help you improve your Mathematics, English, Afrikaans, and Life Science.  From pre-school to Grade12.   For a free assessment contact Shereen on 071 685 5354 or


7 Piece value pack for R180.00.  Consists of: 1 each x 2l dishwashing liquid, 2l all purpose cleaner, 2l pine-gel with detol, 2l bleach, 2l fabric softener, 275ml Snap (equivalent to Pledge) and 2kg washing powder.  The products have a 10 year track record and speak for themselves, for more information contact Imraan on 084 683 4666 or e-mail

Randpark Primary School