The school needs to raise R5 700 000 via the school fees this year to ensure the maintenance and improvement of the quality of education offered to your children.  More than 60% of this money is used to fund the salaries of additional teaching, admin and cleaning staff.  If, for example, one of these teachers had to be retrenched due to lack of funds, the teacher : educator ratio in that particular grade would move from 35 : 1 to 46 : 1.  Thankfully, in excess of 99% of our parents paid their school fees last year and the SGB and I would like to express our sincerest thanks for this.  However, I would like to aim for 100% payment of the budgeted school fees this year.  Thus I ask that ALL parents make a contribution this year.  Our budget is always very tight and closely monitored (that’s why our school fees are so low comparatively speaking).  However, this then requires that we reach our fees collection budget.  In addition, the school incurs significant start up costs at the beginning of the year.  In light of this, I ask that every family makes a payment (in part or in full), by the end of January.  Do not believe that your contribution is insignificant.  Everyone is expected to pay something – it’s the right thing to do.


The school fee tariff is R5 900 per learner per year, and may be paid over 10 months.  Payment options are as follows:

Full payment at the beginning of the year; or Three pro-rata payments payable at the end of Term 1 2 and 3; or ten monthly instalments of R590 beginning January with the final (10th) instalment due end of October.



Tuesday and Thursday:  7:15 – 8:00

Wednesday:  13:00 – 14:15.


Would those of you wishing to make a cash sponsorship donation (to assist indigent parents/learners to pay a portion of the 2013 school fees), please ensure that you indicate clearly on the cheque, deposit slip, Internet banking or envelope, that the amount is for SPONSORSHIP (SCHOOL FEES).


Sincere thanks to all parents who attended this very exciting event on our annual calendar.  A lot of fun was had by all and the weather was exquisite.  The results were as follows:

1st Eagles 570, 2nd Falcons 529, 3rd Hawks 474 and 4th Ravens 453.

The spirit trophy went to Falcons and the best dressed trophy went to Ravens.

Junior Victrix Ludorum:

Monique Nieuwenhuizen

Junior Victor Ludorum:

Wade Wiegand

Senior Victrix Ludorum:

Keely Williams

Senior Victor Ludorum:

Rais Hassim

Records Improved:

Rais Hassim – Senior Boys IM 1:12:91

Rais Hassim – Open Boys Freestyle 29:81

Brent Taylor Cup went to Rais Hassim for improving the most records on the day.


Computer related expenses R2 519, consumable stock R21 951, hardware/maintenance/plumbing R3 063, swimming pool R5 227 and toilet paper R6 402.


Please remember to support our business partners on a regular basis.  Our target is R35 000 by year end.  Thanks to all participating parents.


The school will not accept any responsibility for the security of cell phones.  I would also like to urge parents to encourage their children to be a responsible cell phone user – not to use the cell phone to invade people’s privacy, to use a phone discreetly and more importantly not to use the social networks on a phone to bully, demean or harm anyone else.


School will start at 07:30

Punctuality in the mornings is essential for all learners.


Grade 1 & 2 Mon – Fri:  13:00

Grade 3 Mon – Thurs:  13:30

Grade 3 Fri:  13:00

Grades 4 – 7:  14:00


As from Monday 4 February Grade 1s will finish school at 13:00.


Have been distributed to learners.  It is essential that you return this ASAP in order for us to update our data.


Each learner Grades 4 – 7 are expected to bring 1 ream (500 sheets) of 80g white duplicating paper to school by the end of the week.  Would parents please ensure that this is done.


Friday 1 February:  Grades 4 – 6:  NST

Grade 7:  NS

The Friday Group Test is very important as it makes up in Grade 4 – 6, 25% and in Grade 7, 60% of the term/year mark.  Learners must attend school on Fridays to write the weekly Group Test.


All learners are to abide by the provisions of the Code of Conduct and it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance.  Copies of the Code are available from the school secretary.


Educators must ensure that they regularly report for duty and are punctual.


Learners undertake to refrain from disruptive undisciplined or unco-operative behaviour both within and outside the classroom.


Parents must ensure that they maintain current or up to date home, work and emergency telephone numbers at the school and keep the school informed of any changes.


Learners may not use cell phones to send or receive calls, sms at any time during the school day.  Phones must be switched off during these times (CLASS TIMES). Cell phones may only be used before and after school.  A first offence will result in the phone being confiscated for a week; a second offence, till the end of the term; or one month whichever is longer.  A further offence will result in a full disciplinary hearing and suspension from the school.  It would be preferred if cell phones were not brought to school.


To the following learners who have been selected as Media Prefects and Monitors for 2013.

Media Prefects:  Kayla Govender, Courtney Hamilton, Rivaldo Ebner, Kyla Malotona, Melissa Matthysen, Marlene Paulie, Karina Sivalingham, Josephine Stanley, James Thackeray, Tshimo Pooe and Nataley Rylance.

Media Monitors:  Cassidy Davidson, Kayla Stoffels, Mishka Naidoo, Sanchia Pillay, Kayla Knotzer, Gabriella Smith, Paige Moore, Dore Bouwer, Itumeleng Manne, Leah Thackeray, Tiffany Schultz, Andrea Ramsay, Mishka Stemmet, Kyra Broomberg, Jabulile Mbanjwa, Phoebe Redelinghuys and Tarryn Batt.


Will be held during the next two weeks.  Dates and times are as follows:

Grade 2: Thursday 31 January    18:00
Grade 3: Tuesday 5 February    18:00
Grade 4: Tuesday 29 January    18:00
Grade 5: Wednesday 30 January    18:00
Grade 7: Monday 28 January    18:00


HONEYDEW DRAPERS SCHOOL WEAR:  Honeydew Shopping Centre. Cnr. Beyers Naude & Blueberry Streets (011) 795-1617.  Compare our affordable prices to other stockists.

MAINTENANCE SERVICES:  General maintenance, minor electrical, minor plumbing, irrigation repairs, leaking taps, picture hanging, painting and patching, light fittings and globes, pool service and maintenance, tile and grouting repairs, gutter cleaning.  Contact Kevin on 081 032 1724.

TENNIS COACHING:  Professional tennis coaching is offered at the school tennis courts, Monday to Saturday.  Group as well as private lessons available.  All levels catered for, as well as adult coaching.  Contact Sharon or 083 256 1969.

INDIVIDUAL TUTORING:  R110 per hour.  English: Grade 1 – 6, Maths:  Grade 1 – 4.  Contact Lesley Viljoen on (011) 478-2253 or 072 213 4239 (after 5pm).

KIDS CLUB:  Every Friday night from 6pm – 7:30pm, at The Barn Christian Fellowship, cnr. Kelly Ave & Sylvan Road, Boskruin.  A fun and safe environment for your kids to come to!! This week’s theme:  Lab Rats.  For more info contact 792-1340.

ROOIVINK AFTERCARE CENTE:  Specializing in primary school aftercare and holiday care.  We offer supervised homework in a homely environment with competitive rates. Please contact Avron on  071  235 5437 or look on facebook:

DOMESTIC:  Patty is looking for domestic work on 2 days a week, has excellent references and 20 years experience.  Please contact her on 073 248 4446.

MASTER MATHS:  Problems with Maths? Master Maths (Grade 4 – 12) can help! Individualized tuition.  Parkside Centre, Ostrich Road, Bromhof.  Contact Brenda on (011) 791-3967.

DAWNS DANCE WORKSHOP:  In Sundowner/Randparkridge, for beginner, junior, intermediate and majors ballet, modern, tap, hip hop, acro and musical theatre (8:30 – 12:30).  Contact Dawn Meyer on (011) 794-7283 or 082 477 2055.

DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A GIRL SCOUT:  ADIERO Scout Group is an all girls scout troop that meets on a Friday evening at Randpark Ridge Scout Hall.  For info please contact Louise on 082 437 0297 or Girls from 11 up are welcome.

NOVELTY BIRTHDAY CAKES & CUPCAKES:  Delectably light and fluffy one tier sponge cakes in shapes and rectangle picture scans.  Contact The Cake Lady – Cher Caolo on 083 700 8938 or visit

ALLEGRO MUSIC STUDIO:  Are you musically inclined? Piano, Keyboard and Singing Training will develop your creativity and confidence.  Give your younger child a head start with Junior Music Lessons (from age 5).  For professional lessons in Bromhof  contact Amy Calf on 083 337 2702 or

AFRI-EASE:  Afrikaans group lessons (max 6), Grade 4 – 9, Mon – Thurs mornings and afternoons in Fontainebleau.  R150 for 1 hour lesson.  E-mail Anien Evans on

MINISTRY OF DANCE STUDIO:  North Riding studios.  Hip hop, freestyle and modern dance.  Contact Blair on 078 893 6887 or 082 941 7278 or

Randpark Primary School