In Celebration of Rand Park Primary’s 40th Birthday we will be having a Fun day with an Inflatable Fun Park and Fete.

All Rand Park Residents are welcome to come together and celebrate the school’s 40th Birthday!

We are encouraging you, your family and friends to join us.

It will be a fun filled day that will have your kids thoroughly entertained!

Date: 26th October 2013

Venue: Rand Park Primary

Time: 8:30 to 14:00

The inflatable fun park will cost R80.00 per child (if the tickets are bought in advance) or R100 .00 if bought on the day and will give them Full access for the day.

There will also be a teachers dunk tank, where you will have the opportunity to dunk a teacher. There will be a number of food stalls.

If anyone would like to have a stall on the day please contact the school and speak to Miss Franz.

Randpark Primary School