27 February 2015 Newsletter

27 February 2015 Newsletter

Effort:  Learners and rubber bands have one thing in common – both must be stretched to be effective J Maxwell TIME MANAGEMENT Children who learn how to manage their time are more likely to cope with the pressures and responsibilities of school. Our children...
Absenteeism and Notice of Elections

Absenteeism and Notice of Elections

Please would all parents take the time to read this letter from the Principle, Mr Pienaar. Click here to read the letter Also please take note that Governing Body nominations and elections will be happening soon: Click here to read the...
20 February 2015 Newsletter

20 February 2015 Newsletter

Blame shifting: A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame someone else John Burroughs EDUCATION Often learners are quick to blame others for poor behaviour, incomplete work, poor academic results, etc. In order not to admit or...
13 February 2015 Newsletter

13 February 2015 Newsletter

Effort/Perseverance: Have you ever watched a stonecutter at work? He will hammer away at a rock for perhaps 100 times without a crack showing in it. Then, on the 101st blow, it will split in half. It’s not the last blow that split the rock but the 100 blows that went...
6 February 2015 Newsletter

6 February 2015 Newsletter

Failure: “Indecision and delays are the parents of failure.”George Canning EDUCATION The above quote applies to both adults and learners – learners must come to understand that tasks cannot be put off until later. This is a major cause for work not being...
29 January 2015 Newsletter

29 January 2015 Newsletter

“The two parts of success: Skill (tip of the iceberg) – Attitude (mass of the iceberg)”Anon EDUCATION The above quote illustrates the point that a major factor in determining success is a positive attitude. This is particularly true of school work....
Randpark Primary School